Please join Dorothy Arriola Colby for Positive Approach to Care™ seminars, developed by Teepa Snow, that can provide essential information on how to have a positive and meaningful relationship with loved ones with Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia throughout their journey.
These 2-hour workshops will help care providers, family members, and anyone who is trying to cope with the changes that happen with dementia. Recommended for family members who provide direct care, professional care providers and volunteers who work with people living with dementia. Certificates provided for professionals needing Dept. of Health inservice credit hours.
Registration and payments for all classes is through Eventbrite. Click here to see all the dates and times available.
Normal vs. Not Normal Aging:
Understanding the Difference
Learn to recognize and understand “normal” and “not normal” aging. Develop better observation skills to recognize and intervene effectively when behavioral challenges occur. Learn to develop new skills related to approach, cueing, and ability to connect with people affected by dementia. The workshop will also address typical issues that occur from early stages of the condition through mid-disease, and into the final care concerns that are part of the progression. Click here for more information.
GEMS, More Than Just Loss:
Dementia Progression Patterns
Learn about GEMS™, a system developed by Teepa Snow, that will provide essential information on how to classify and define the changes in a person due to the effects of dementia. GEMS™ improves on existing models and is not used just to classify a state or stage of dementia, but also to improve interactions and appreciation of the individual. The GEM™ characteristics focus on ability instead of loss and are a valuable tool to assist with changing abilities that impact relationships and expectations. Learn about what it means to be living in a world with Sapphire, Diamond, Emerald, Amber, Ruby or Pearl cognitive and physical abilities. All individuals, whatever their state of being, in the right setting and with the right care, can shine! Click here for more information.
It's All In Your Approach:
Making Positive Connections
Learn to improve your ability to approach, connect and provide care with those living with dementia. Learn how to recognize and address sensory needs and tolerance, including Visual-Verbal-Touch, and the 3 zones of human awareness. Practice of Positive Approach to Care™ "care partnering" techniques including Positive Physical Approach™ (PPA) and Hand Under Hand™ (HUH) and modifications by level of dementia. Click here for more information.
Challenging Behaviors in Dementia Care:
Recognizing Unmet Needs
Learn to understand which physical and emotional needs can cause challenging behaviors. Learn hands-on techniques to connect and comfort using visual, verbal, physical and emotional connections. Learn to develop new skills related to approach, cueing, and ability to connect with people affected by dementia to help reduce the chance of future escalations and make your person with dementia feel at ease. Click here for more information.
Dining with Dementia:
Techniques to Bring Joy to the Table
Learn to understand visual, verbal and physical interaction skills to optimize engagement in meals. Learn interventions to support meals and drinks that provide pleasure and interest while minimizing risk and optimizing nourishment and hydration. Explore ways to address concerns and reach consensus regarding late life care and end of life support when eating and drinking are becoming no longer safe or desired. Learn to modify foods for to accommodate chewing and swallowing challenges and changes. Click here for more information.
End of Life Care & Letting Go:
Providing Care in the Final Stages of Dementia
Learn to recognize a patient’s progression into the final stages of dementia and provide the best care with Teepa Snow’s hands-on, disease-level appropriate techniques. Learn how to connect with someone in late stage dementia, how to recognize and manage pain, and how to help the care team grieve the loss and celebrate the person’s life. Learn about indicators that the disease has progressed into its final stages and how to provide the most effective comfort care. Learn how to communicate when there are no words through visual, auditory, and physical signals of connection. Learn about advanced directives, living will, DNR orders, palliative and hospice care. Learn about giving the person with dementia permission to pass without giving up on them (Letting Go vs. Giving Up). Click here for more information.